
Summertime unfolds with twilight spectacles, golden suns, and tranquil sapphire skies, capturing the season’s vivid contrasts and serene beauty. From the tender melodies of dawn to the soothing tranquility of twilight, it’s a period rich in rhythmic cadences and vibrant imagery. 

This season embodies the dynamic energy and peaceful essence of nature, offering a profound opportunity to connect with the artistry of the natural world and explore the emotions it evokes. As light and shadow play across the landscape, summertime invites us to reflect on the deep connections between nature and human emotion.

Imagine stepping into a realm where every corner and canvas speaks to the tranquility of summer, where art and nature blend seamlessly to create an ethereal experience. 

This is what awaits at “Pastel Paradises,” an exhibition created by the multi-media artist Novisali. Novisali combines traditional artistic methods with modern digital tools, aiming to make art more accessible and engaging. 

A Journey Through the Summer Day 

The exhibition includes a special poem, “Summertime,” adding to the immersive experience. This poetic journey through the serene summer sings of twilight spectacles, golden suns, and tranquil sapphire skies, echoing the themes of the artworks themselves. Each stanza invites you to lose yourself in the vivid imagery and the soothing sounds of summer. From the tender melodies of dawn to the serene dance of twilight, the poem encapsulates the vibrant yet tranquil essence of the season.

I. Awakening in Hues

The poem begins at the break of dawn, setting a scene where day and night tenderly converge. The imagery of “peach and rose” hues paints the early morning sky with a soft palette, evoking a sense of calm and new beginnings. It’s a moment of gentle awakening, where the quiet whispers of the twilight invite reflection and tranquility. 

To explore more on how nature’s beauty influences human perception, consider watching Louie Schwartzberg’s TED Talk on nature, beauty, and gratitude 

II. The Day’s Canvas

As the sun climbs, the sky becomes a canvas, washed in “cotton candy skies” and the golden warmth of the morning. Each verse from this section draws attention to nature’s gradual unveiling of the day, characterized by soft transitions from lavender mornings to apricot evenings. The poem reflects a deep appreciation for the slow yet vibrant painting of the day, highlighting life’s serene kaleidoscope. 

For insights into how colors affect our mood and perception, Profesor Axel Buethers talk on “The language of color – effects on our experience and behavious” is a must-watch. 

III. Whispers of Nature

Midday brings a dance of dandelion dreams and whispers from the summer grass. This stanza emphasizes the subtle conversations between the earth and its inhabitants, suggesting a deeper understanding and connection with the natural world. The gentle movements of flora, driven by the lilac-scented zephyrs, symbolize the ongoing dialogue between past and present—a narrative quietly echoed in the sway of the grass. 

Rachel Sussman’s TED Talk, “The world’s oldest living things,” offers a unique perspective on the timeless dialogue of nature. Explore it here

IV. Symphony of Light

As the day unfolds, the elements of nature perform like a symphony. The poem speaks of “ribbons soft” and a world where the sun acts as an artist, orchestrating a symphony of lights and shadows. This part of the poem celebrates the dynamic and vibrant life force of summer, where even the leaves and clouds play their part in the day’s melody. 

For more on how music and nature intertwine, listen to Andy Thorn “How the Patterns in Nature Echo into Music” 

V. The Ballet of Blossoms

The narrative moves into a floral ballet as the day progresses, with blossoms bowing to the rhythm of the breeze. This imagery not only captivates the eye but also symbolizes the harmonious relationship between all elements of nature. Each flower, from cherry to tangerine, adds a unique note to the summer’s choreography, enhancing the poem’s theme of unity and beauty. 

Jonathan Drori’s talk, “Why we’re storing billions of seeds,” touches on the importance of plant biodiversity and is an enlightening addition to this theme.

VI. Twilight and Dreams

As twilight approaches, the poem shifts to a quieter, more introspective tone. The night is depicted as a comforting cloak that brings with it a lullaby of spices and a dance of shadows. This transition to evening reflects on the day’s end as a time for reflection and peace, suggesting that each day is a complete story in itself, from dawn to dusk. 

For those interested in the intersection of nature and human reflection, Fabian Oefner’s talk on “Psychedelic science” offers a mesmerizing look at natural phenomena and art. [Discover more here](

VII. Night’s Embrace

Under the moon’s watch, the world is bathed in opaline and turquoise, with the gentle tide and the luminescent dance of fireflies. Nighttime is portrayed as a realm of dreams, where the silent hills and whispering wildlife compose a nocturnal symphony. This serene imagery invites the reader to lose themselves in the enchantment of the night, embracing the quiet magic that it brings. 

For further exploration into the mysteries of the night, and our connection with nature and history listen to Jon Youngs talk about repaing emotional isolation by reawakening deep nature connection 

Engage and Reflect

At the heart of “Pastel Paradises” is the opportunity to engage deeply with the art. The Guide to Personal Reflection offers questions to ponder as you view each piece. These prompts encourage you to explore how the themes of the artwork resonate with your experiences and aspirations, gaining a deeper understanding of your own journey and the world around you.

Retelling the story of Humans and Nature. Can we tell a new, but old, story about humans and nature that will reshape our world for the better? Listen to Damon Gameau

To  Summer Pastel exhibition 

Visitors are invited to immerse themselves in art, find personal connections and draw inspiration from the artworks for personal reflection.
Find a provided guide to support the reflection using an artwork here:
Art guide as a chatbot or Art guide in PDF


The “Pastel Paradise” is more than just a celebration of the season; it is an invitation to experience and reflect on the cyclical beauty of nature. Each stanza, rich with color and emotion, offers a lens through which we can view our own lives—reminding us of the constant yet gentle flow of time and the serene rhythm of existence. Through this poetic journey, we are encouraged to return to the dawn’s embrace, where the spectrum of summer awaits to spin its serene tale once again.

More inspiration


Welcome to also enjoy the playlists about Summer Songs on Spotify “Summertime”

Pastel Paradise Summertime Poem

I. In the hush of dawn’s first light, a tender melody rings,
Across the pastel paradises, where the serene summer sings,
A twilight spectacle whispers in the hues of peach and rose,
Where day and night in soft embrace, the tranquil spectrum glows.

II. A golden sun that seeps and soaks, through cotton candy skies,
Every hue from amethyst to saffron duly rise,
Lavender morn and apricot eve, through the hallowed summer prism,
Paint the tranquil canvas of the day, in a serene kaleidoscope of wisdom.

III. Beneath the tranquil sapphire sky, the summer grasses sway,
Hinting secrets of the earth, in their gentle, wordless way,
Dandelion dreams dance along, on zephyrs, lilac scented,
Their whispering flutters tangle in time, where past and present are vented.

IV. Days unfurl like ribbons soft, in shades of butter and berry,
Time, the artist, brushes on, through July’s luminary,
The world’s palette is mixed and stirred, in delicate harmony,
Crafting the serene spectrum, of a sun-kissed symphony.

V. Soft green of willow’s weeping leaves, ripple in the golden gleam,
Vanilla clouds sail gently by, mirrored in the crystal stream,
Delicate feathered troubadours, echo in a sonnet bright,
From the blush of dawn to twilight’s hush, they orchestrate the light.

VI. Bountiful blossoms, hued like sorbet, sprawl in fields so wide,
Cherry, melon, tangerine, in the summer sun, they bide,
They bow and curtsy to the breeze, in a choreographed ballet,
Where each blossom takes its turn, in the grand summer’s play.

VII. And as the day begins to fold, twilight takes the stage,
Laying soft, indigo blankets, on the day’s final page,
From the heart of the spectrum, in the pastel paradise,
Emerges a serene starlight sonnet, a soothing lullaby of spice.

VIII. So dance, ye shadows of the eve, in your violet veiled caprice,
In the soft-spun tales of summer, find your gentle peace,
In the hush of the pastel paradises, where the serene summer sings,
Revel in the spectrum’s magic, the quiet beauty it brings.

IX. The moon ascends the pastel throne, in its opaline glory,
Illuminating the night with tales, of a silent story,
Its silvery beams cast a dreamy glow, on the tranquil turquoise tide,
That washes over the soft-sand shore, in a rhythm, gentle and wide.

X. Nightfall draws a star-studded veil, ‘cross the canvas vast and grand,
Where constellations gleam and glimmer, over the slumbering land,
Each star, a poet in the sky, weaves a verse of silver thread,
Their sonnets echo through the night, in the silence, softly spread.

XI. As summer nights slip into dreams, in their peaceful serenade,
Daybreak gently stirs again, in hues of mint and jade,
Under the dappled, rosy glow, morning blooms anew,
In this pastel paradise, every dawn imbued with dew.

XII. Canaries chirp their morning hymns, in sync with sunbeam’s kiss,
Basking in the warm embrace, of the dawn’s golden bliss,
The vibrant verdant tapestry, stirs with life anew,
As sunflowers turn their golden faces, to the daybreak’s dew.

XIII. Beneath the cloudless azure arch, the midday sun shines high,
Gilding the earth in a golden sheen, under the summer sky,
The spectrum unravels its radiant threads, in the heat of the day,
As the serene summer paints its canvas, in a vibrant, vivid array.

XIV. Rivers of time flow gently on, through the pastel paradise,
Reflecting hues of cobalt and cream, in their serene, still splice,
Freckled fish in shimmering shoals, weave beneath the flow,
Silver splashes dance and gleam, in the midday’s fiery glow.

XV. The day wanes to a dusky hue, a dream in lavender lace,
The sun dips down in a tangerine swirl, leaving twilight in its place,
The spectrum folds its colors in, as the day draws to its close,
In the serene summer’s symphony, a peaceful cadence flows.

XVI. So here ends the spectrum’s sonnet, in the hush of the summer’s end,
Where the pastel paradises sleep, beneath the moon’s soft bend,
From dawn’s first light to twilight’s fall, in every tranquil scene,
Is the wondrous spectrum of summer, in its serenity serene.

XVII. In the still of the summer night, under the crescent’s sway,
Fireflies awaken, to dance in their luminescent ballet,
Their tiny lanterns flicker on, like stars that fell to ground,
In this serene spectrum’s magic, where enchantment is found.

XVIII. Velvet night gently blankets, the slumbering, silent hills,
Where whispers of nocturnal life, the tranquil darkness fills,
Owl’s soft hoots echo forth, a symphony of the night,
In the pastel paradise, under the silver moonlight.

XIX. Soon the Eastern horizon blushes, at the night’s gentle retreat,
A symphony of colors, as day and night fleetingly meet,
Celestial hues of dawn’s spectrum, spill over the land,
An artist’s palette of serenity, brushed by summer’s hand.

XX. With each new day, the cycle renews, in this tranquil paradise,
A timeless dance of hues unfolds, in summer’s soft device,
So we return to the dawn’s embrace, where the spectrum begins,
In the pastel paradises, where each serene summer spins.

About Novisali 

Novisali, (alias Liselotte Engstam), is besides her roles as professional board member and advisor, a multi-media artist, with a curious, explorative mind and an ambition to learn and extend art experiences to current and new audiences using both traditional and new digital mediums. More information and exhibitions can be found via

For additional insights by Novisali, you can find more at websites and blogs by Liselotte Engstam, as she is the Founder and Chair of Digoshen & of Boards Impact Forum, and also has a personal website at