Why Is the Space In Between So Critical for Navigating Our Fast-Changing World?

Imagine standing at a crossroads, the world rushing past you in every direction—technology advances at lightning speed, global challenges grow more complex, and decisions must be made faster than ever. Yet, in this moment of pause, you find a space—a quiet, reflective pause between what was and what could be. This space in between is more critical than ever before. It’s here, in these transitional moments, that the seeds of real transformation are sown.

In a world in flux, these pauses are essential for leaders and visionaries. They allow businesses and societies to reflect, reposition, and realign themselves for a sustainable future. They give us the breathing room to question not just what we do, but why we do it—and how we might do it better.

Listen to the related Podcast Episode on “Unlocking Potential In the Space in Between”, at Digoshen Exploring Leaders Podcast

Can Han Kang’s Nobel Prize Teach Us About Life’s In-Between?

Han Kang, the celebrated author of The Vegetarian and Human Acts, was recently awarded the 2024 Nobel Prize in Literature for her “intense poetic prose that confronts historical traumas and exposes the fragility of human life.” Her work explores that delicate space between life’s certainty and its fragility—where we confront our deepest vulnerabilities.

In The White Book, Kang meditates on whiteness and existential reflection, using the color white to symbolize life, death, and mourning. She describes an island at the northernmost point of Norway, where the sun never sets in the summer and never rises in the winter. “Is the time being measured out around her now another such white night, or is it a black day?” she writes. These white nights are a metaphor for the emotional states we navigate—the endless, ambiguous space in between darkness and light, between knowing and uncertainty.

Kang’s writing reminds us that, in these spaces, transformation emerges. It is in the pauses between life’s fragilities that we find resilience and new perspectives.

Can We Harness the Space In Between Actions to Spark Innovation?

In Japanese culture, there is a concept known as Ma—the intentional pause between actions. Imagine a conductor raising their hand before the orchestra begins to play. It is in that stillness, that waiting, that the music is born. Similarly, Ma teaches us that the spaces between actions are where creativity can flourish.

By applying Ma to personal transformation and leadership, we can create spaces for reflection that allow innovation to emerge more thoughtfully and sustainably. These pauses, these spaces in between, offer a moment to consider the long-term impacts of our decisions and ensure that we act with purpose and integrity.

Promoting harmony (Wa), creating collaborative spaces (Ba), grounding decisions in their broader context (Tokoro), and allowing time for reflection (Ma) can transform not only our actions but also how we approach problem-solving and innovation.

Can the Space In Between Personal Growth and Global Challenges Lead to True Leadership?

When we consider personal growth, we often think of it as a linear journey. But in reality, growth happens most profoundly in the spaces where we are uncertain, where we are between who we were and who we are becoming. The Inner Development Goals (IDGs) movement understands this deeply. Their five dimensions—Being, Thinking, Relating, Collaborating, and Acting—are designed to help leaders pause, reflect, and grow in these transitional spaces.

At the 2024 IDG Summit, themed The Space In Between, global leaders will come together to explore how these moments of transition can lead to inner growth and innovation. By embracing these reflective spaces, leaders can approach global challenges—like sustainability and equity—with resilience and foresight, turning moments of uncertainty into opportunities for progress.

Is the Future of AI and Sustainability Found in the Space In Between Ethics and Technology?

Just as humans exist in a space between our past and our potential, so too does technology, particularly AI, sit in an undefined space between possibility and responsibility. AI has the potential to revolutionize industries, solve complex global problems, and unlock new ways of thinking. But it also exists in the space in between—between ethical development and unchecked advancement.

In this transitional space, it is crucial to keep humans at the center of decision-making. By pausing to reflect on the implications of AI, we can guide its development in a way that is not only innovative but also responsible. Sustainability operates similarly—existing in a balance between innovation and our obligation to protect the planet. When we pause to consider the space in between ethics and technology, we create opportunities for ethical growth and sustainable success.

From Art Exhibition The Space In-Between by Novisali

Imagine a company on the edge of transformation, where leaders pause amidst the fast pace of innovation. It’s in these brief moments of reflection that the true path forward becomes clear. According to the Leadership Insight: Corporate Culture  report by the Centre for Climate Engagement at Cambridge Hughes Hall, fostering a culture that encourages ethical reflection is essential for navigating today’s transitions. Leaders who embrace these pauses not only drive sustainable growth but also align technological advancements with ethical goals. In this space between action and reflection, the future of responsible innovation is born.

Can We Unlock Hidden Potential by Exploring the Space In Between Across Disciplines?

The space in between isn’t just about individual growth or leadership; it’s a concept that spans across disciplines, offering a lens through which we can view transformation.

From Art Exhibition The Space In-Between by Novisali

In architecture, interstitial spaces—the gaps between buildings—offer moments of reflection, where design and human experience converge. In quantum physics, particles exist in a superposition, neither here nor there, until observed—a beautiful metaphor for the potentiality within uncertainty. Eastern philosophies like Taoism and Buddhism teach us about the natural flow and potential of these undefined moments. Whether in urban planning, physics, or spirituality, the space in between reveals the hidden possibilities that emerge from transitions.

And in creativity, the same principle applies. The greatest artistic breakthroughs often come from the incubation periods—those moments when we step away from the canvas or the notebook and let the ideas simmer in the background.

Can Creativity Thrive in the Space In Between Reflection and Action?

Vincent van Gogh, in a letter to his brother Theo, once asked: “What am I good for, what should I do? I have something inside me—but what is it?” His words reflect the universal experience of standing in the space in between—between what we know and what we have yet to discover about ourselves. It’s in this place of uncertainty that creativity and self-discovery often thrive.

The space in between reflection and action is where innovation lives. In Novisali’s virtual art exhibition, The Space In-Between: Echoes of Transcendence, this idea is explored in depth. Each piece reflects the power of the pause—the way that creativity can flourish when given the room to breathe.

Whether in personal growth, leadership, or art, it’s in these pauses—these spaces in between—where new possibilities emerge. By embracing them, we can unlock new ideas and fresh perspectives that help us navigate the uncertainty of our fast-changing world. Explore the Virtual Art Exhibition:

Embracing the Space In Between

In the rush of daily life and business, we often overlook the power of the space in between—those moments of pause between decisions, actions, or phases of growth. Yet, it’s precisely in these moments of stillness and reflection that the most profound potential lies waiting to be unlocked.

Think of it like this: the space between notes is what gives music its rhythm. Without pauses, the melody would be nothing more than noise. Similarly, in personal growth, innovation, and leadership, the space in between provides the necessary pause to reflect, reassess, and realign. It’s where creativity has room to breathe and where transformation takes root.

In today’s fast-changing world, embracing these pauses is critical. People who give themselves and their teams the chance to reflect on their actions, learn from transitions, and imagine new possibilities are the ones who spark real change. Whether it’s taking a moment before making a critical decision or reflecting on the broader impacts of technology and ethics, these in-between moments unlock potential we might otherwise miss.

Just as in music, it’s not only about the action—it’s about the pause. When we embrace the space in between, we allow ourselves to see the full picture, unlocking the creativity and innovation that drives true progress.


About The Nobel Prize
Nobel Prize in Literature 2024 Han Kang by The Nobel Prize
South Korean Author Han Kang wins the 2024 Nobel Prize in Literature by Guardian
The White Book by Hang Kan
Inner Development Goals
Inner Development Goals Summit 2024 by IDG
About the Japanese Concept of Ma in the Blogpost The Space In-Between: Creativity and Reflection in a Rapidly Evolving World
Leadership Insight: Corporate Culture report by Centre for Climate Engagement at Cambridge Hughes Hall
Climate Governance Initiative
Boards Impact Forum
Boards at the Brink: Leading through Crises to Shape a Sustainable Future by Digoshen
Rebooting Innovation for a Sustainable and AI-Driven Future by Digoshen
Virtual Art Exhibition : The Space In Between: Echoes of Transcendence 

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About Novisali 

This blog post was originally shared at the blog of the Digoshen & Boards Impact Forum Chair and founder www.liselotteengstam.com, with the artist name Novisali and on the blog on Novisali.com .

Novisali, (alias Liselotte Engstam), is besides her roles as professional board member and advisor, a multi-media artist, with a curious, explorative mind and an ambition to learn and extend art experiences to current and new audiences using both traditional and new digital mediums. More information and exhibitions can be found via Novisali.com